Medicinal herbs - Melissa

Medicinal herbs Melissa
                                                            Medicinal herbs - Melissa


Almost all continents migrated lemon balm, it was brought from Canada in the early XX century. She rounded leaves, white flowers, inconspicuous, but the main sign-strong lemon scent. According to the content of essential oil, it is one of the first places among the aromatic plants. It has also tannins, resins, bitterness, mucus, coffee, oleic, ursulovaya acid, a lot of vitamin C. spiced with lemon scented essential oil of medicinal herbs used to flavor medicines and perfumes. She cut up dried leaves and flowering shoots - a good condiment for salads, soups, vegetables, meat and fish dishes

  Pickling cucumbers and tomatoes and fresh lemon balm leaves give them a spicy flavor, strength, elasticity.
Melissa and grow near apiaries, as it one of the best honey plants. To move out of the hive bee colony or to catch a swarm, the hive or the dishes, which collect a swarm, sprinkle water meliesovoy: hearing the scent, the bees calm down. If melissovoy wash water, you can not be afraid of bee stings.
In folk medicine, Melissa leaves collected before flowering, are recommended as a sedative in the neuroses stress origin, cardiac neurosis, angina, insomnia, asthma. The infusion of the leaves (eight teaspoons of leaves or shoot tips with flowers infused in two cups of boiling water - half a cup four times a day for half an hour before meals) strengthens the heart muscle, relieves pain in the heart,
stimulates the central nervous system, reduces dizziness. When severe headaches helps compress of strong decoction of its grass. Paste of leaves or shoots good to rinse for toothache and gum disease. Five per cent tincture of Melissa soothes toothache.
Home to find tarragon Eastern Siberia. Today it is grown almost everywhere as spicy flavor food plant in our country is widely cultivated in the Caucasus. His young leafy shoots contain up to 1.5 per cent of sugar, about 2.5 percent protein, 1.1 percent essential oils, vitamin C, carotene, iron, potassium, nearly 0.2 percent of routine. Tarragon herb fresh or dried use in salads, meat and fish dishes, pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, (mushrooms, put in marinades. It gives food a nice subtle flavor and refreshing tangy flavor. So much tastier be mackerel, if prepared tarragon (fish is cleaned, washed, obsushivayut, stuffed with a mass of finely chopped onion and tarragon, each wrapped in a well-greased parchment paper and stew in the oven).
Marked sedative, anticonvulsant, increases appetite and improves digestion property tarragon. In Georgia, it tested a liquid extract in patients with chronic gastritis: receiving one or two spoonfuls of extract for 15-20 minutes before a meal helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach.
It is a very cold-resistant plant, growing in the same place for a long time - up to fifteen years. In the Donbas it grow seedlings and seeds, division of rhizomes, root cuttings and slips. In the first year shoots are cut closer to the fall, in the years to cut several times per season.