Rhaponticum carthamoides or maral root. Therapeutic use levzei

A large perennial herb of the family Asteraceae (Sompositae) up to 180 cm with dereveneyuschim horizontal rhizome and off of it numerous rigid long roots. Stem erect, thick, slightly furrowed and arachnoid. The leaves are alternate, large, up to 40 cm and 20 cm wide, unpaired pinnatipartite five eight pairs of lanceolate lateral lobes and a larger share of the final, lower - petiolate, upper - sessile. Flowers solitary large baskets up to 6 cm in diameter, with a multilane gray imbricate wrapper. All flowers are tubular, bisexual, with purple corolla and lower ovary. Fruits brownish tetrahedral achenes up to 7 mm, equipped with a tuft. Flowers in June August, the fruits ripen in August - September.

Grows in subalpine and alpine meadows mountains of southern Siberia and North-Eastern Kazakhstan. For medicinal plants cultivated in the specialized farms.

Therapeutic use have rhizomes with roots. They contain alkaloids, gum, inulin, tannins, essential oil, carotene, ascorbic acid. Rhizomes with roots harvested in August - September. Digging with shovels, cleaned, put in a basket and washed thoroughly with water. Large rhizomes are divided into parts. After washing raw aired outdoors and dried in the dryer or ventilated areas, and then purified from the soil on a sieve.

In folk medicine, Siberia levzei long been used as a tonic for fatigue and general weakness after illness, asthenic-depressive state, and others. After the pharmacological and clinical study of rhizomes and roots levzei steel used in scientific medicine. In the form of a tincture or liquid extract (by 20 to 30 drops 2 times daily before meals), they are used as directed by the physician in functional diseases of the central nervous system and related irritability, headaches, mental and physical fatigue, sexual weakness. In this case, patients improves health, increases efficiency, improves appetite and sleep.

Maral Dried Root Tincture, Maral Dried Root (Rhaponticum Carthamoides) Powder Liquid Extract