
Verbena 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- 10 ml
Composition and healing properties

Verbena has a rich chemical composition.

It is full of tannins and alkaloids, saponins, and ascorbic acid, flavonoids and minerals, starch and essential oils, carotene and vitamins B2, E and K. The plant has vasoconstrictive and hemostatic effect, very good for heartburn. Infusions and decoctions based on it is often used as a wound-healing, soothing, anti-inflammatory agents.
 This medicinal herb is used in ulcer and a strong cough, bronchitis, gastritis, fever and pneumonia. Treated with drugs based verbena  jaundice and tuberculosis. Use this plant as a compress. It is, moreover, has the properties to reduce blood pressure and increase blood clotting.

 Roots verbena  used in the treatment of cystitis, as well as their use for removal of papillomas.
Thanks to a mild diuretic properties of this plant with its help treat pyelonephritis, swelling arising from diseases of the heart and kidneys. Infusion of flowers verbena has tonic properties, boosting the body's immunity. Infusions and decoctions of leaves of the plant are often used to cleanse wounds festering as a germicide.

In rheumatoid arthritis herbalists recommend taking a bath with verbena , drugs based on it topically applied to the painful parts of the body.

Application verbena  in folk medicine: prescriptions

Today, traditional medicine has accumulated a lot of recipes to get rid of various ailments with the use of drugs based on verbena . Thus, it is possible to apply necessary and ensure the effectiveness of such treatment.

That effective recipes:
Infusion for the treatment of heartburn, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs.

 Take a tablespoon of herbs of medicinal plants and pour over boiling water 200 grams. Insist four hours, strain, drink the remedy 3-4 times a day, regardless of the use of food for half a glass.

Decoction for treatment of gastritis.

Two tablespoons of leaves verbena  fill cup boiling water, boil for 3-4 minutes, filter immediately and drink three times a day broth ½ cup 20-25 minutes before a meal course per month.

 A decoction of the flowers  verbena for the treatment of stomach ulcers.

It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of flowers in two cups of water boil for 15 minutes. After a thirty-minute infusion of this tool should be filtered. Drink decoction is recommended 3 times a day 15 min before meal for 100 grams.

Infusion of herbs for the treatment of bronchitis.

 It should be 50 grams of grass verbena  pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, 60 minutes after filtration drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day. You can infusion gargle for sore throat.

A decoction of the roots verbena  tonic.

To prepare a decoction of the need to take three tablespoons of the roots, chop them carefully, pour two cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Insist means you need an hour, then filtered and squeeze to drink a decoction made five times a day for 100-150 grams.

Contraindications You can not use products based on verbena  people with low acidity of the stomach, high blood pressure. Prohibited taking this drug for those who suffer rapid blood clotting. Verbena  also contraindicated in expectant mothers.