
Properties and Applications

In the roots contain essential oils, resins, vitamin C and vitamin group B. The use of ginseng has long been used in medical practice. The Chinese used this plant in the treatment of many diseases, including tuberculosis. Tinctures and extracts of ginseng was used in the nervous excitement and atherosclerosis. Was used as a stimulating agent for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, with sexual dysfunction in men. Increases the body's resistance to the action of harmful factors, that is, is an adaptogen. Applied in the form of aqueous plant infusions as tinctures. In China, used in the form of pills and ointments.


1) Tincture of dried ginseng roots

Dried root is ground to a powder, then pour vodka at the rate of 30 g of root for 1 liter of vodka, insist for 3-4 weeks, shaking occasionally. Finished tincture filtered. As a preventive measure 20 drops of tincture taken 1-2 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment - 1,5 months. After a 30-day break, a refresher course.

2) Ginseng extract

Prepared by the ginseng roots is passed through a meat grinder, mixed with hot honey (100 g of root in 900 g of honey) and leave for 3-4 weeks, occasionally stirring with a wooden spoon.

Extract take 1/2 teaspoon in the morning for 30 minutes before eating, not drinking water. The course of treatment - 2-3 months.

3) From impotence

Take ginseng roots, infuse it for 5 liters of vodka is cleaned or diluted alcohol apothecary (fortress around forty degrees). The next day will certainly have to start drinking brandy. Drink one glass three times a day before meals. When tincture remain less than one twentieth of the bottle, it should be topped up with vodka and mix, shake the remnants of the old with the new liqueur poured vodka. The bottle can thus refilled two or even three times. After three refillable infusion should be done anew with a fresh piece of ginseng.

Contraindications to the use of ginseng

Contraindications: arterial hypertension, increased excitability, feverish syndrome on the background of acute infectious diseases. Limitation for application is also a children's age, pregnancy, lactation.