Medicinal herbs-Dandelion Taráxacum
Medicinal raw materials are also the roots of dandelion. They are collected in early spring, early seedlingplants (April - beginning of May) and autumn (September - October). Dig up the roots of a shovel or a plowto a depth of 15-25 cm Recollection on the same site should be made at intervals of 2-3 years. Unearthedroots shake off the ground, cut with a knife the aerial parts, roots ("neck"), thin lateral roots and wash in coldwater. Large roots should be crushed. Washed roots spread out on a cloth podvyalivayut in air for severaldays (until no latex in the section), and then finally dried in a dry, well-ventilated area, lay a layer of 3-5 cm, stirring occasionally. If weather permits, raw dry for 10-15 days. The roots can be dried in an oven or dryerat a temperature of 40-50 ° C. It must be remembered that at the very early build of the medicinal herbs, when the roots have not delayed supply of nutrients, raw materials after drying, loose, lightweight, easy toremove from the bark and cork . In this case, the raw materials declined. The shelf life of raw materials 5years. The smell of raw materials not available, taste sweet and bitter. Dandelion roots for export.
Dandelion belongs to the medicinal herbs, containing bitter taste. It is used to improve appetite and digestion. The reflex action of drugs is irritation dandelion taste buds tongue and oral mucosa, leading to excitation ofthe food center, and then increase the secretion of gastric acid and other digestive glands. It also improvesthe general condition, normalizes metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol, improves blood anemia.
Biologically active substances in this medicinal herbs as a choleretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, laxative, expectorant, sedative, hypnotic, diuretic, diaphoretic properties. In addition, the training activities ofdandelion is also installed anti, anti, fungicides, anthelmintic and anti-carcinogenic properties.
These medicinal herbs are not recommended for acute conditions with their bile ducts by established in stateswith increased secretion of hydrochloric acid (stomach ulcer and gastritis), overdose can cause vomiting anddiarrhea.
Medicinal raw materials are also the roots of dandelion. They are collected in early spring, early seedlingplants (April - beginning of May) and autumn (September - October). Dig up the roots of a shovel or a plowto a depth of 15-25 cm Recollection on the same site should be made at intervals of 2-3 years. Unearthedroots shake off the ground, cut with a knife the aerial parts, roots ("neck"), thin lateral roots and wash in coldwater. Large roots should be crushed. Washed roots spread out on a cloth podvyalivayut in air for severaldays (until no latex in the section), and then finally dried in a dry, well-ventilated area, lay a layer of 3-5 cm, stirring occasionally. If weather permits, raw dry for 10-15 days. The roots can be dried in an oven or dryerat a temperature of 40-50 ° C. It must be remembered that at the very early build of the medicinal herbs, when the roots have not delayed supply of nutrients, raw materials after drying, loose, lightweight, easy toremove from the bark and cork . In this case, the raw materials declined. The shelf life of raw materials 5years. The smell of raw materials not available, taste sweet and bitter. Dandelion roots for export.
Dandelion belongs to the medicinal herbs, containing bitter taste. It is used to improve appetite and digestion. The reflex action of drugs is irritation dandelion taste buds tongue and oral mucosa, leading to excitation ofthe food center, and then increase the secretion of gastric acid and other digestive glands. It also improvesthe general condition, normalizes metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol, improves blood anemia.
Biologically active substances in this medicinal herbs as a choleretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, laxative, expectorant, sedative, hypnotic, diuretic, diaphoretic properties. In addition, the training activities ofdandelion is also installed anti, anti, fungicides, anthelmintic and anti-carcinogenic properties.
These medicinal herbs are not recommended for acute conditions with their bile ducts by established in stateswith increased secretion of hydrochloric acid (stomach ulcer and gastritis), overdose can cause vomiting anddiarrhea.