Leonurus cardiaca L.

medicinal herbs - Leonurus cardiaca L.



Motherwort following us all the time is a tendency that the expensive drugs are better than our home-grown. In addition, we forget that in addition to traditional treatments exist and popular methods. Do not buy doroguschie drugs if you can find them in their own country or in the woods. Mother Nature gave us lots of herbs, which are much more effective than drugs. One of these local herbs is motherwort. The plant has unique and useful properties, known as the folk and scientific medicine. Motherwort has long been used to treat disease. Herb has a length of 100-150 cm in height, and has the following characteristics - erect stem and slightly pubescent hairs. Top motherwort leaves are three-lobed shape, bottom five lobes. Flowers in ring-shaped inflorescence and irregular in shape. Collecting the fruit of Leonurus consists of four parts, one-seeded nutlets. Motherwort is growing in Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Western Siberia. Flowering time - the second year of life, from June to July.

Collection and preparation
With the goal of treatment is going to only the upper part of motherwort during flowering. Harvesting must be properly cut the top of the plant, the thickness of the stem should be 5 mm, length 40 cm Collecting raw, it should be dry in the shade. Spreading a thin layer on the surface and sometimes upside that it had not turned black. There are special dryer for the final piece of grass. Storage Location - dry place and time - three years. If you do not have the time to collect and harvest herbs Leonurus, you can get it at any pharmacy. The structure of a remedy are alkaloids, organic acids, tannins, saponins, vitamins A, E, C, glycosides, sweeteners, various micro and macro elements.

Medicinal properties and applications of
Motherwort effects the body as valerian, and lily of the valley. That's just the effect of the much better, especially in the treatment of cardiovascular neurosis. Herbal infusion normalizes heart rate, lowers blood pressure and increases the strength of heart contractions. Wasteland infusion has hypotensive, antispasmodic, sedative effect. Besides grass great tool to stabilize the digestive system and the menstrual cycle.

Preparations based on motherwort used for nervousness, cardiosclerosis, insomnia, neurasthenia, depression, venososudistoy dystonia, other diseases of the body. Undeniable effect of the action is in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid enlargement, inflammation of the intestines, scanty menses. Motherwort can be consumed as a tea for the normalization of the nervous system. For the treatment of wounds and burns motherwort is used topically, as it has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Side effects and contraindications
If you have bradycardia or hypotension, the use of drugs based on Leonurus you contraindicated.

Recipes, tinctures, and broth-based Leonurus
Broth-based Leonurus recommend drinking with nervous disorders. The recipe of the following: 20 g of dried leaves of motherwort, 10 grams of dried hawthorn flowers, lemon balm leaves 10 g, 15 g of St. John's wort, valerian 5 g pour boiled water. Pre insist 20-30 minutes and drink warm to sleep for 2 hours.

Motherwort way to fight diabetes and vascular dystonia believe broth based on valerian root, lemon balm leaves, hypericum and certainly motherwort. 2 teaspoon of boiled water is poured, after 10-15 minutes and drink warm insist three times a day.

Tea-based motherwort 2 teaspoon dried herbs pour boiled water and insist 10 minutes. Potsediv, drink small sips. Dosage - 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Of course - 2-4 weeks.

Motherwort tincture by: crushed leaves of grass (20 g) pour 100ml of alcohol. Pre 7-14 days insist and use 30-40 drops 3-4 times per day. This tool helps with nervousness and rapid heartbeat, moikardiopatii, shortness of breath, in the early stages of hypertension.

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