medicinal herbs cardamine pratensis

medicinal herbs cardamine pratensis


Description:Сardamine pratensis creeping rhizome, stem thin, the bottom of the creeping, ivy, climbing and equally rare leafy. On the stem is located about 8-12 leaves. Stem simple or branched.

Characteristics and origin:Cardamine pratensis - a perennial herb, up to 0.50 m in his homeland - the Middle East. It is found in mountainous areas up to the timber line, the springs on the banks of rivers and streams, wet meadows and alder.

Cultivation:Cultivated in France and Egypt. It flowers from April to June. The leaves.

Application:The leaves have a bitter cardamine pratensis sharp, pungent, bitter taste. Taste salad made from them, like horseradish, spicy, bitter. The leaves are used as a tasty, extremely useful plant as a salad, making buterbro-Dov, cold meats, etc. You can, for example, to recommend to the core finely sliced mixed with finely chopped onions, lightly sprinkle with black pepper, salt, pour this mixture on rye bread, spread with cheese and put on top of a slice of fried bacon on the fire house.

Medical applications: Recently leaves sardamine meadow used as medicines for diabetes.In folk medicine, flowering tops of the plants and flowers are known as a sedative and anticonvulsant, infusions and decoctions are prescribed as antiepileptic drug, it is also credited with heart action, especially when the pain in the heart, is used in asthma, and as a sedative, choleretic and believe in this Communication is prescribed to treat liver diseases, using externally for skin diseases, inward and outward as baths or applications - for rheumatism. Seeds prescribed as a diuretic for kidney and urinary tract.
In the past, the plant in the form of a decoction of herbs used in pneumonia, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, as a stimulant and diaphoretic for colds. The juice of fresh herbs prescribed for scurvy, scrofula and of seizures in children, as well as a diuretic and protivokataralnoe agent.The content of nutrients:Cardamine pratensis leaves contain a lot of vitamins.
