medicinal herbs horsetail
Horsetail as ferns and moss - one of the most ancient of herbaceous plants on the planet. In ancient times it was a powerful plant , and after the flood, in relation to climate change and is transformed into a small plant height of 40 cm
As a weed , horsetail widely distributed throughout the territory of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. When collecting horsetail have to remember that you only need to tear off his two hands , and is sure to dry in the shade.
Horsetail has been used extensively in ancient Greece.
Avicenna treated infused with horsetail fault of liver tumors , stomach , bloody diarrhea and edema , fresh juice horsetail healed ulcers and wounds, believed that horsetail " absorbs , dissolves , burns all the impurities in your body ."
Horsetail reproduces by spores , has no colors. Stem and leaves of the plant are inserted one into the other short sleeves bonded to each other through a kind of " joint " and tightly worn on them " covers ". Thus, the structure resembles a bottlebrush human spine. Is it not surprising that this beautiful plant cures all diseases related to the spine , musculoskeletal disorders ( rheumatism , gout , arthritis , arthrosis ) .
Horsetail contains a lot of minerals, but it is especially rich in silica ( silicic acid), significant quantities of which our body needs to be healthy bones , cartilage , nails and hair. Silicic acid is also important in wound healing .
In Bulgaria, horsetail herb is used in pulmonary tuberculosis , in Germany - externally as a lotion and bath products for boils and to accelerate the healing of wounds : a decoction of Horsetail is used as a gargle for sore throat and inflammation of the mouth, mainly gums. In Austria, the young shoots of horsetail are used as a means of improving the blood, hemostatic, as well as in lung diseases.
Scientific studies have shown that infusion of horsetail grass causes increased heart function and blood flow acceleration , which is why improving the excretory capacity of the kidneys . Horsetail is used in edema associated with decompensated heart disease and other diseases associated with stagnant , cystitis , urethritis and other diseases of the urinary tract, it is recommended for use with internal bleeding , especially lung and hemorrhoids , as well as pleurisy .
Horsetail in folk medicine
In folk medicine, is widely used horsetail with conjunctivitis (eye baths ), with trophic ulcers, festering wounds , with sweating of the feet and hands , with abrasions .
To do this, 1 tablespoon dried horsetail pour 1 cup boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat . Cool, strain . Drink a tablespoon several times during the day.
It should be noted that a decoction of Horsetail effectively helps to reduce bleeding in the urinary system , with bloody diarrhea . Cup of broth in just a few minutes reduces bleeding , and most importantly - a sense of acute pain passes .
Juice of horsetail
Prevents and stops the development of varicose veins of the fresh juice of horsetail . For these purposes, prepare fresh juice, which are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 . Take one teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
For therapeutic purposes, only applies horsetail , other types (forest , meadow , marsh , swamp ) do not work - can cause poisoning. However, horsetail and should be used with caution , especially in nephritis , nephrosis - it can cause severe irritation of the kidneys.
The infusion of horsetail
Women with heavy menstrual bleeding can be applied infusion of horsetail herb :
1 tablespoon of herbs per cup of boiling water horsetail . Insist to cool . Drink a tablespoon of all glass during the day.
douching horsetail
It is necessary to make 2 tablespoons herb horsetail 2 cups of boiling water . It is better to do it in a thermos and infuse overnight. Douching should be done in the morning and in the evening a small enema for 0.6 cups of infusion . Do not forget to pre- strain the herb horsetail . Treatment should be resistant to improvement.
Bath beauty of horsetail
As you know, horsetail - a great tool to restore the elasticity of the skin. It is said that the Empress Catherine I used the bath horsetail .
For this purpose, 5 tablespoons Horsetail should pour 3 cups of cold water for 2 hours, then simmer for 30 minutes. Strain, pour into the tub .
Horsetail as ferns and moss - one of the most ancient of herbaceous plants on the planet. In ancient times it was a powerful plant , and after the flood, in relation to climate change and is transformed into a small plant height of 40 cm
As a weed , horsetail widely distributed throughout the territory of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. When collecting horsetail have to remember that you only need to tear off his two hands , and is sure to dry in the shade.
Horsetail has been used extensively in ancient Greece.
Avicenna treated infused with horsetail fault of liver tumors , stomach , bloody diarrhea and edema , fresh juice horsetail healed ulcers and wounds, believed that horsetail " absorbs , dissolves , burns all the impurities in your body ."
Horsetail reproduces by spores , has no colors. Stem and leaves of the plant are inserted one into the other short sleeves bonded to each other through a kind of " joint " and tightly worn on them " covers ". Thus, the structure resembles a bottlebrush human spine. Is it not surprising that this beautiful plant cures all diseases related to the spine , musculoskeletal disorders ( rheumatism , gout , arthritis , arthrosis ) .
Horsetail contains a lot of minerals, but it is especially rich in silica ( silicic acid), significant quantities of which our body needs to be healthy bones , cartilage , nails and hair. Silicic acid is also important in wound healing .
In Bulgaria, horsetail herb is used in pulmonary tuberculosis , in Germany - externally as a lotion and bath products for boils and to accelerate the healing of wounds : a decoction of Horsetail is used as a gargle for sore throat and inflammation of the mouth, mainly gums. In Austria, the young shoots of horsetail are used as a means of improving the blood, hemostatic, as well as in lung diseases.
Scientific studies have shown that infusion of horsetail grass causes increased heart function and blood flow acceleration , which is why improving the excretory capacity of the kidneys . Horsetail is used in edema associated with decompensated heart disease and other diseases associated with stagnant , cystitis , urethritis and other diseases of the urinary tract, it is recommended for use with internal bleeding , especially lung and hemorrhoids , as well as pleurisy .
Horsetail in folk medicine
In folk medicine, is widely used horsetail with conjunctivitis (eye baths ), with trophic ulcers, festering wounds , with sweating of the feet and hands , with abrasions .
To do this, 1 tablespoon dried horsetail pour 1 cup boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat . Cool, strain . Drink a tablespoon several times during the day.
It should be noted that a decoction of Horsetail effectively helps to reduce bleeding in the urinary system , with bloody diarrhea . Cup of broth in just a few minutes reduces bleeding , and most importantly - a sense of acute pain passes .
Juice of horsetail
Prevents and stops the development of varicose veins of the fresh juice of horsetail . For these purposes, prepare fresh juice, which are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 . Take one teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
For therapeutic purposes, only applies horsetail , other types (forest , meadow , marsh , swamp ) do not work - can cause poisoning. However, horsetail and should be used with caution , especially in nephritis , nephrosis - it can cause severe irritation of the kidneys.
The infusion of horsetail
Women with heavy menstrual bleeding can be applied infusion of horsetail herb :
1 tablespoon of herbs per cup of boiling water horsetail . Insist to cool . Drink a tablespoon of all glass during the day.
douching horsetail
It is necessary to make 2 tablespoons herb horsetail 2 cups of boiling water . It is better to do it in a thermos and infuse overnight. Douching should be done in the morning and in the evening a small enema for 0.6 cups of infusion . Do not forget to pre- strain the herb horsetail . Treatment should be resistant to improvement.
Bath beauty of horsetail
As you know, horsetail - a great tool to restore the elasticity of the skin. It is said that the Empress Catherine I used the bath horsetail .
For this purpose, 5 tablespoons Horsetail should pour 3 cups of cold water for 2 hours, then simmer for 30 minutes. Strain, pour into the tub .