Heather has useful properties in virtually all plant. Its leaves are rich in glycosides, flavonoids, alkaloids, phenols and phenol carboxylic acid, coumarin, catechol, citric acid and fumaric acid, tannin, gums, saponin, starch, gum. In the stems contain leukoanthocyanidins (reduce the permeability of the capillary walls), roots and shoots - protoantotsianidiny (powerful antioxidants). Flowers are composed of vitamins, trace elements, steroids, pigments.
Medicinal properties of heather widely used in folk and traditional medicine.Some European countries use this plant as an official medical drug. In particular, in Germany it is prescribed for insomnia and as a diuretic.
Especially useful is during flowering heather (June to September). During this period, the raw material harvested. In particular, remove the upper part of shoots with flowers, dried, spread out on the fabric, in a shaded place. Shelf life of raw materials harvested - 1 year.
Blooming heather exhibits therapeutic properties with full force. In this form it is a good cleansing, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, healing, expectorant, sedative, astringent, styptic. Used for the treatment of cholecystitis, gout, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the inflamed mucosa, sand in the kidneys, pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostate diseases and so forth.
Heather tea - it's a great diaphoretic, soothing and promotes expectoration means. Also, it is effective as a diuretic and a remedy in purulent inflammation mochevypusknyh ways.
Decoction and powder of the flowers of this plant helps to quickly heal wounds, burns, eczema, skin ulcers, stop the bleeding. Also decoction is used to treat diseases of the nervous system.
Poultices and baths are good with radiculitis, rheumatism, tumors, bruises, fractures, sprains and swelling of the legs due to kidney disease and heart.
The juice of this shrub is used for diabetes, insomnia, fever, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, eye, kidney stone disease, colitis, enteritis, gastritis, and so on. In diluted form juice is used to rinse the mouth with angina, tonsillitis and stomatitis.
Alcohol infusion of this plant helps in tuberculosis.
Heather has found application in cosmetology. The infusion of its flowers is rubbed into the scalp to improve hair growth and slow down hair loss. To this infusion further enrich the useful substances to the heather (1 tbsp. L.) Was added and nettle roots of burdock (1 tbsp. L.) And pour 400 ml. of water.
Medicinal properties of heather widely used in folk and traditional medicine.Some European countries use this plant as an official medical drug. In particular, in Germany it is prescribed for insomnia and as a diuretic.
Especially useful is during flowering heather (June to September). During this period, the raw material harvested. In particular, remove the upper part of shoots with flowers, dried, spread out on the fabric, in a shaded place. Shelf life of raw materials harvested - 1 year.
Blooming heather exhibits therapeutic properties with full force. In this form it is a good cleansing, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, healing, expectorant, sedative, astringent, styptic. Used for the treatment of cholecystitis, gout, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the inflamed mucosa, sand in the kidneys, pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostate diseases and so forth.
Heather tea - it's a great diaphoretic, soothing and promotes expectoration means. Also, it is effective as a diuretic and a remedy in purulent inflammation mochevypusknyh ways.
Decoction and powder of the flowers of this plant helps to quickly heal wounds, burns, eczema, skin ulcers, stop the bleeding. Also decoction is used to treat diseases of the nervous system.
Poultices and baths are good with radiculitis, rheumatism, tumors, bruises, fractures, sprains and swelling of the legs due to kidney disease and heart.
The juice of this shrub is used for diabetes, insomnia, fever, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, eye, kidney stone disease, colitis, enteritis, gastritis, and so on. In diluted form juice is used to rinse the mouth with angina, tonsillitis and stomatitis.
Alcohol infusion of this plant helps in tuberculosis.
Heather has found application in cosmetology. The infusion of its flowers is rubbed into the scalp to improve hair growth and slow down hair loss. To this infusion further enrich the useful substances to the heather (1 tbsp. L.) Was added and nettle roots of burdock (1 tbsp. L.) And pour 400 ml. of water.