Bitter melon

                                                         What is bitter melon


Momordica or Chinese bitter melon - is a relative of cucumber and zucchini, herb of the family Cucurbitaceae. Momordika fruits like an elongated pumpkin or cucumber with a large "warts". Unripe fruit of bitter melon green. When ripe, it becomes bright orange color and breaks, exposing the bright red growths that enclose the seeds.

                                                            Interesting fact

Momordika name comes from the Latin word "bite" because its leaves resemble Figure animal bites.

                                                             Spread bitter melon

About homeland momordika know is that this is the tropics. Now Momordica or bitter melon is grown in India, China, Africa, South America, the Caribbean Islands. Some species momordika grow in the Crimea.

                                                           Application bitter melon

All parts of this plant have useful properties: fruits, seeds and leaves. Momordika fruits quite bitter, so it is often used for medical purposes than for cooking.

The fruit pulp is eaten momordika immature when it tastes like cucumber. When the fruits begin to ripen, orange flesh is soft, but bitter. When the fruit is fully ripe, its seeds become sweet taste and can be consumed raw, but after the heat treatment, they become softer.

Pulp and seeds are used in kitchens momordika Asia. Their fried, boiled, added to salads, soups and stews. Momordica goes well with meat, potatoes, unsweetened yogurt, coconut, cucumber. Very fond of Momordica in Okinawa (Japan), which, according to scientists, explains the high life expectancy in the region.

Bitter melon is widely used in the kitchens of the Amazonian tribes, where its leaves and fruits are added to soups or bean dishes as a spice, spicing up the flavor and bitter or sour taste. To soften the bitter taste momordika fruits previously boiled in salted water.

                                                             Properties bitter melon

In traditional Chinese medicine, bitter mellon is used to treat gastrointestinal infections. In South America, with it treated all kinds of inflammation, diarrhea, malaria, scabies, hepatitis, measles, get rid of parasites. In India, Momordica used for snake bites, liver disease, as a contraceptive. This herb helps with asthma, insect bites, leukemia, arthritis, burns and lupus. Root momordika considered an aphrodisiac.

Modern science has found that substances contained in the fruits of this plant, capable of reducing total cholesterol, blood sugar levels of diabetics, stimulate the production of insulin and even treat some types of cancer. Preparations based momordika used to treat psoriasis, flu and colds. Numerous experiments have shown that extracts of the leaves and fruit are able to kill staphylococcus, streptococcus and even HIV.

Warning! Momordica contraindicated in pregnant women because it has abortifacient properties.


Momordica contain bitter melon or more amino acids, alkaloids, saponins, glycosides, resins, oils and phenols. Momordica - one of the few plants containing harantin - a substance that reduces the level of sugar in the blood.

                                                                     Calorie momordika

Calorie momordika - 19 kcal.