Anemia (anemia);
Gastritis, ulcer formation in Lukavica stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis, colitis, biliary system disorders, pancreatitis;
Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system in men (prostate adenoma and prostatitis);
Infertility, regardless of gender;
Too high blood pressure of various origins;
Urolithiasis, including sites of inflammation in the bladder and kidney;
Changes in the respiratory system and ENT organs: tracheitis, farengity, bronchitis, sinusitis, pulmonary tuberculosis. Thus, the positive effects of the use of infusions and decoctions caused such qualities fireweed, as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, reduces fever;
The pathology of the spleen;
Exchange-inflammatory skin diseases.
The use of infusions and decoctions willow-herb is also recommended for:
decoction of willow-herb
Poisoning and intestinal dysfunction;
Disorders of the nervous system - neuroses, alcoholic psychosis, hysteria, depression;
General rehabilitation for alcoholism, for the relief of hangover;
Increased psycho-emotional pressure and chronic stress;
The effect of constant fatigue, overwork;
In dentistry - children at the time of the appearance of milk Zubikov, at an older age when looseness and inflammation of the gums;
Endocrine disorders in women of various origins (menstrual problems, existing uterine bleeding, menopause, premenstrual syndrome);
As an aid after manipulation to fight tumors and cancer (chemotherapy and radiation exposure) in the recovery period;
In the treatment of blood disorders (leukemia or limfogranulemotoz) as the adsorbent;
By reducing immunity (immunodeficiency);
If beriberi, especially vitamin C and Group B.
Ivan tea for men:
Of course, the healing properties of plants help everyone - men, women, children, but having the ability to cure prostatitis and BPH, rose-unconditional trust earned by men.
Ivan tea for women:
This is an unbeatable tool for the treatment of cystitis, thrush and other diseases of the genitourinary system in women.
Tea made from willow-herb
No matter how good willow-herb yet taste, smell and color of the drink is largely conditioned by the quality of the water. Those who drank tea at least once in the spring or melt water will never forget the taste. At night per person ideally should fall five grams of Ivan-tea (dried tea leaves). From it there are four - five cups of beverage concentrate. Tea leaves can be brewed several times, but note that the concentration of useful properties will be reduced, although the taste qualities are stored in small quantities.
Brewing willow-tea?
Proper brewing the leaves of willow-herb is one of two main components, which provide safety of all medicinal properties.
The first method is brewing willow-herb
2 teaspoons dry grass pour 600 ml boiling water (best to use natural or purified water). Container tightly closed and allowed to infuse for 10-15 minutes, then stirred infusion.
Infusion contains in its composition of essential oils, so the drink does not spoil in a few days, but it is best to use it freshly. The concentration depends on your taste preferences.
You can drink tea and chilled. If you want to warm up, in any case, do not let boil. Aura will disappear immediately. Drink sugar-free drink instead of raisins, dates, apricots, honey, halva.
The second method of brewing willow-herb
Fresh leaves of willow-herb placed in an enamel bowl layer of 3-5 cm, and then pour the purified water at room temperature (up to 10 cm), then the infusion is put on low heat and heat it. The next step is the composition of the resulting infusion over 10 minutes.
As the welding can also take a mixture of leaves with flowers: on half a liter of boiling water mixture of flowers and leaves of willow-herb 2: 2 (chayannyh spoons).