Recipe growing Kombucha
For a very simple recipe mushroom growing need about 1 tablespoon of black tea, 100 grams of sugar and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. What follows is enough to make a strong drink, bring the volume up to 1 liter welding, cool and add the sugar and vinegar. Then, the resulting mixture should be poured into a clean three-liter jar, followed by the neck to tie a piece of gauze. Capacity for growing tea fungus specially selected big and loose, so he felt comfortable and was able to develop freely in width and in height. In addition, the need for banks to find a warm place with a fairly constant temperature is maintained at + 22-25 degrees. It is important that ripening Kombucha is not in direct sunlight, which for him is very destructive. In addition, it should be remembered that the bank moved during maturation of the fungus in any case it is impossible, so the choice of the place must be taken with great care.
It remains only to wait until the surface of the thin film will tea, which is usually formed in 3-4 weeks. When it reaches a thickness of about 1-2 mm, have a drink in the bank to appear distinctive vinegary smell that suggests that kombucha is ripe. Now, the liquid can be carefully drained and replaced it with fresh sweet tea. However, it should be done very carefully and gently to avoid damaging the delicate surface of the fungus. Until then, he will get stronger, it will take several months.
As the surface of the tea fungus will appear various bubbles and bulges. Worry about it not worth it, because in this case there is a natural development of this unique organism. After about six months, you have at home is a full adult fungus, suitable for the daily preparation of a beverage. Outwardly, he should resemble jellyfish in a very smooth and soft top surface and pupyrchatoy "belly", which is responsible for the enrichment of tea useful substances. About once a month the fungus is necessary to extract from the jar and gently rinse with warm water. When the thickness thereof reaches a few centimeters, the fungus should be divided into two parts. The knife used for these purposes is not necessarily as an adult Kombucha is very easy to separate.
Grow Kombucha from scratch can be in many nutrient mixtures. Particularly gentle and helpful, he obtained when used for this purpose broth hips. To prepare it, you will need about 30-40 dry fruits to be thoroughly washed and pour 1 liter of boiling water, adding to the resulting mixture of 2 tablespoons sugar. Thereafter, the resulting beverage should be placed in the flask so as to cover between the liquid and remained relatively large airbag "plug". So it's best to take a thermos of 2-2.5 liters, which will Kombucha is good to grow and develop.
It remains only to tightly seal the flask and leave it for about 2 months. Ate you have enough endurance and patience, at the end of this period within the container, a sufficiently dense and thick, jelly-like substance. Use it for cooking healthful drink immediately fail, because Kombucha has yet to ripen, which may need at least a month. Therefore, the young should be carefully remove the fungus from a thermos, a good rinse with warm boiled water and put in a three-liter jar, which is about half filled with sweet strong tea. Every few days the tea need to be slightly updated, adding a new batch. At this time, the fungus continues to grow rapidly and increase in diameter. When he will completely cover the entire surface of the liquid, then drink to appear distinctive vinegary flavor. Since then, the Kombucha is ready to use for medicinal purposes.