Traditional medicine offers a lot of money for the treatment of rhinitis. But with all the methods of treatment of the common cold should not be forgotten that in most cases, a runny nose is a manifestation of infectious disease - influenza. Therefore, its treatment one way or another it is necessary to take a clean handkerchief or disposable, so that after the treatment through a handkerchief has happened autoinfection.
- In the first stage of acute rhinitis - the stage of irritation - ointments, emulsions or juice of herbs with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic action: aloe fresh leaves of black nightshade, sea buckthorn and wild rose (4-6 drops 3 times a day); 10% ointment yarrow and nettle, a 20% calendula ointment (to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose 2-3 times a day).
In the second stage of acute rhinitis - stage serous exudates - prescribe binding drugs.
- Oak bark - 10 g, grass hypericum - 5 g, willow bark - 5 g, linden blossom - 10 g, peppermint leaves - 10 g 20 g minced collection pour 100 ml boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours before use. add 3-5 drops of pine oil. Apply in the form of nasal drops (6-8 drops 3-4 times a day) and for inhalation (3-4 procedures on a course with a duration of one inhalation for 5 minutes).
- Grass yarrow - 20 g tricolor violet root - 20 g, grass Oregano - 20 g, sage leaves - 20 grams of bark Viburnum - 20 g 15 g collection pour cold water (200 ml), insist 1 hour, boil 5 7 minutes, cool, strain and used in the form of nasal drops or inhaled.
- Herb Oregano - 10 g of pine buds - 10 g, willow bark - 10 g, forest mallow flowers - 10 g of leaves mother and stepmother - 10 g Prepare and apply as in the previous recipe.
- The bark of an oak - 15 g, sage leaves - 15 g of calendula flowers - 10g, linden flowers - 10 g 20 g collection pour 200 ml boiling water, leave for 1.5-2 hours, cool, strain and use as a nose drops, and inhalations.
In the third stage of acute rhinitis - the stage of muco-purulent discharge - recommend the use of fresh juice of aloe, kalanchoe, and oil 5% solution of yarrow. If you have not stocked up on winter herbs, the traditional medicine recommends to use at a cold, freshly prepared juice of garlic and onions. In pure form it irritates the mucous membrane, so it is recommended to dilute with water (in the ratio 1: 20.1: 50) or mixed with 5-10% solution of natural honey in a ratio of 1: 5, 1:10.
-When The treatment of acute rhinitis is very good natural juice of Kalanchoe. Its instilled into the nasal cavity by 3-4 drops every 4 hours.
-When Adenoviral infections of the upper respiratory tract is useful to bury his nose in the juice of white cabbage, containing lysozyme.
-According To the recommendations of traditional medicine, can also help decoction of St. John's wort, the juice of fresh peppermint leaves, black nightshade, decoction of the roots of sorrel horse and mullein skipetrovidnogo.
-Here's Another means: half a cup of vegetable oil boil for 30-35 minutes. Cool. Add 2 cloves of garlic, 1/4 onions. Infuse for 2-3 hours. The solution strain and bury into the nose.
-Can Drip mixture of honey and beet juice (1: 2); nasal passages rinsed clean with water.
-Show Gargle infusions of sage leaves, eucalyptus, chamomile flowers, calendula, series, oregano and others.
- Good help from a cold water washing the nose. Pure water at room temperature, pour into a handful of hand and draw alternately one and the other nostril so that it was held in the mouth.
- Area of the maxillary sinuses warm up hard-boiled eggs, putting them in the shell on both sides of the nose to complete cooling.
- If a runny nose still persists and becomes chronic, healers advised to abandon the milk and milk products and to make "sauce" of grated horseradish mixed with the juice of 2-3 lemons, 0.5 teaspoons twice a day.. After taking this medicine for 30 minutes, do not eat or drink. Horseradish must be fresh, not later than one week after collection and cooked means may be stored in a refrigerator for a long time. During the first week of tears will roll you hail, but then stops with the cessation of watery eyes and runny nose.