
Traditional medicine offers a lot of money for the treatment of rhinitis. But with all the methods of treatment of the common cold should not be forgotten that in most cases, a runny nose is a manifestation of infectious disease - influenza. Therefore, its treatment one way or another it is necessary to take a clean handkerchief or disposable, so that after the treatment through a handkerchief has happened autoinfection.
- In the first stage of acute rhinitis - the stage of irritation - ointments, emulsions or juice of herbs with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic action: aloe fresh leaves of black nightshade, sea buckthorn and wild rose (4-6 drops 3 times a day); 10% ointment yarrow and nettle, a 20% calendula ointment (to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose 2-3 times a day).
In the second stage of acute rhinitis - stage serous exudates - prescribe binding drugs.
- Oak bark - 10 g, grass hypericum - 5 g, willow bark - 5 g, linden blossom - 10 g, peppermint leaves - 10 g 20 g minced collection pour 100 ml boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours before use. add 3-5 drops of pine oil. Apply in the form of nasal drops (6-8 drops 3-4 times a day) and for inhalation (3-4 procedures on a course with a duration of one inhalation for 5 minutes).
- Grass yarrow - 20 g tricolor violet root - 20 g, grass Oregano - 20 g, sage leaves - 20 grams of bark Viburnum - 20 g 15 g collection pour cold water (200 ml), insist 1 hour, boil 5 7 minutes, cool, strain and used in the form of nasal drops or inhaled.
- Herb Oregano - 10 g of pine buds - 10 g, willow bark - 10 g, forest mallow flowers - 10 g of leaves mother and stepmother - 10 g Prepare and apply as in the previous recipe.
- The bark of an oak - 15 g, sage leaves - 15 g of calendula flowers - 10g, linden flowers - 10 g 20 g collection pour 200 ml boiling water, leave for 1.5-2 hours, cool, strain and use as a nose drops, and inhalations.
In the third stage of acute rhinitis - the stage of muco-purulent discharge - recommend the use of fresh juice of aloe, kalanchoe, and oil 5% solution of yarrow. If you have not stocked up on winter herbs, the traditional medicine recommends to use at a cold, freshly prepared juice of garlic and onions. In pure form it irritates the mucous membrane, so it is recommended to dilute with water (in the ratio 1: 20.1: 50) or mixed with 5-10% solution of natural honey in a ratio of 1: 5, 1:10.
-When The treatment of acute rhinitis is very good natural juice of Kalanchoe. Its instilled into the nasal cavity by 3-4 drops every 4 hours.
-When Adenoviral infections of the upper respiratory tract is useful to bury his nose in the juice of white cabbage, containing lysozyme.
-According To the recommendations of traditional medicine, can also help decoction of St. John's wort, the juice of fresh peppermint leaves, black nightshade, decoction of the roots of sorrel horse and mullein skipetrovidnogo.
-Here's Another means: half a cup of vegetable oil boil for 30-35 minutes. Cool. Add 2 cloves of garlic, 1/4 onions. Infuse for 2-3 hours. The solution strain and bury into the nose.
-Can Drip mixture of honey and beet juice (1: 2); nasal passages rinsed clean with water.
-Show Gargle infusions of sage leaves, eucalyptus, chamomile flowers, calendula, series, oregano and others.
- Good help from a cold water washing the nose. Pure water at room temperature, pour into a handful of hand and draw alternately one and the other nostril so that it was held in the mouth.
- Area of the maxillary sinuses warm up hard-boiled eggs, putting them in the shell on both sides of the nose to complete cooling.
- If a runny nose still persists and becomes chronic, healers advised to abandon the milk and milk products and to make "sauce" of grated horseradish mixed with the juice of 2-3 lemons, 0.5 teaspoons twice a day.. After taking this medicine for 30 minutes, do not eat or drink. Horseradish must be fresh, not later than one week after collection and cooked means may be stored in a refrigerator for a long time. During the first week of tears will roll you hail, but then stops with the cessation of watery eyes and runny nose.

Application of lily of the valley in medicine
In the time of Copernicus ulterior motive lily was considered a symbol of medicine. In those times, people have been well known that even poisonous plants can be used in medicine. Despite the fact that the substance contained in the highly poisonous lily of the valley, they have started to use back then.
Poisonous plant lily of the valley and use the healing properties of the workpiece. In medicine is used aerial parts of the plant: it is a stem with leaves and flowering shoots. All aerial parts of lily of the valley contain an enormous amount of cardiac glycosides. That is why products based on lily of the valley is used most often in cardiovascular diseases.
In the same plant contains starch, sugars and certain organic acids such as malic and citric. In addition, all parts contain large amounts of lily saponins.
Lily of the valley is recognized as the official pharmacology thirteen countries. It's a bit and this is due, primarily, to the fact that drugs are very potent lily of the valley. In addition, they contain many toxic substances. In particular, an alkaloid called "convallatoxin". In medicine used grass lily, lily leaves and flowers of lily of the valley. Most often it is the whole plant collected in the flowering period.
Substances derived from lily of the valley, are the basis of most of cardiotonic drugs and medications used as a choleretic agent in cholecystitis. Preparations lily of the valley contain large amounts of glycosides, which are able to increase the strength and reduce the heart rate. It is therefore often used in heart failure, tachycardia, as well as chronic circulatory insufficiency second and third type.
In folk medicine, lily of the valley is traditionally used in conjunction with valerian and hawthorn. They apply it as well as in official medicine for diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as edema, thyroid disorders and even epilepsy.
Collection and storage of lily of the valley
Collect medicinal plants in the city limits is not recommended, because in addition to these conditions, they can accumulate nutrients and harmful. If you decide to stock up on this plant, it is better to drive off somewhere far away from major cities and produce billets there.
In the procurement of raw materials for medical purposes lily of the valley is best done during flowering - is May - June month. Again, this will depend on the forest in which you gather your materials. In a dark forest lilies will bloom later. When you cook the raw material for drying, it should be cut with scissors or a knife at a height of 3 - 5 cm from the ground. This is done primarily in order to avoid damaging the rhizome, which is located in the soil. Lily of the valley, as well as any rhizome plant, spreads and multiplies primarily in this way. And damage to the rhizome can cause great harm to plants. Therefore, neither tear nor pull it should not be.
Cut plants need to be dried on the day of collection. Dry lily must be on the same day, because when wilting many substances that are part of it gradually begin to break down and the power of the drug will be much weaker. Lily typically dried in a dryer at a temperature of 40 - 50 ° C. Previously, when the dryer was not, it was dried in special mesh trays which are hung over the furnace. This room opened all the doors and windows to create drafts and ventilate the area. During the drying of raw materials One - twice overturned.
Ready raw material should break down easily in the hand. The time when the raw material can be used is about two years. If you prepare a separate flowers, then it's only one year.
Yet it must be remembered that the procurement of raw materials should be done in dry weather, after the dew obsohnet.
Lily of the valley - the plant is very poisonous, so keep an eye on drying to ensure that its particles do not fall into any other harvested your herbs. Because it can lead to very unpleasant consequences.
Preparation of infusion lily of the valley
And, again, due to the fact that the plant is poisonous, in this article we will not give any prescription regarding internal use drugs lily of the valley. But for external application, we will write.
In folk medicine traditionally used topically shoots water infusion lily of the valley. Use it in diseases of the eyes and joints.
To prepare you need to take a tablespoon of dried lily shoots and pour them a glass of boiling water. Let stand for a few hours, then wring out and bring the water to the original volume. This infusion soaked gauze, which are applied to aching joints. Let us hope that this recipe will help you, and will not lead to any negative consequences.
Methods of application of lily of the valley
Methods of application lily of the valley is very diverse and list them all is impossible. For example, in Asian countries used the rhizome lily of the valley, and the lily of the valley there is virtually no increases. Therefore, it is harvested in our country and in some other European countries, dried and sent to Asia. Thus, the rhizome of lily of the valley is the subject of exports. In some states, separately collected and dried lily flowers, pound them into a fine powder and sniffing at a cold. And in Germany are preparing a tincture lily shoots at fault and is used in paralysis.
Lily is poisonous !!!
It is necessary to reiterate that the entire plant is poisonous lily of the valley. Be especially careful if you are walking with your children in the woods, especially in the second half of the summer. Because for a small child Two - three berries lily of the valley can be a lethal dose.
Poisoning can be identified by the following signs: severe nausea, headaches, stomach cramps, blackout. All of these symptoms can be signs of poisoning lilies. The plant is so toxic that even drunk water in which stood a bouquet of lilies of the valley with can be fatal ..
Verbena 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- 10 ml
Composition and healing properties
Verbena has a rich chemical composition.
It is full of tannins and alkaloids, saponins, and ascorbic acid, flavonoids and minerals, starch and essential oils, carotene and vitamins B2, E and K. The plant has vasoconstrictive and hemostatic effect, very good for heartburn. Infusions and decoctions based on it is often used as a wound-healing, soothing, anti-inflammatory agents.
This medicinal herb is used in ulcer and a strong cough, bronchitis, gastritis, fever and pneumonia. Treated with drugs based verbena jaundice and tuberculosis. Use this plant as a compress. It is, moreover, has the properties to reduce blood pressure and increase blood clotting.
Roots verbena used in the treatment of cystitis, as well as their use for removal of papillomas.
Thanks to a mild diuretic properties of this plant with its help treat pyelonephritis, swelling arising from diseases of the heart and kidneys. Infusion of flowers verbena has tonic properties, boosting the body's immunity. Infusions and decoctions of leaves of the plant are often used to cleanse wounds festering as a germicide.
In rheumatoid arthritis herbalists recommend taking a bath with verbena , drugs based on it topically applied to the painful parts of the body.
Application verbena in folk medicine: prescriptions
Today, traditional medicine has accumulated a lot of recipes to get rid of various ailments with the use of drugs based on verbena . Thus, it is possible to apply necessary and ensure the effectiveness of such treatment.
That effective recipes:
Infusion for the treatment of heartburn, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs.
Take a tablespoon of herbs of medicinal plants and pour over boiling water 200 grams. Insist four hours, strain, drink the remedy 3-4 times a day, regardless of the use of food for half a glass.
Decoction for treatment of gastritis.
Two tablespoons of leaves verbena fill cup boiling water, boil for 3-4 minutes, filter immediately and drink three times a day broth ½ cup 20-25 minutes before a meal course per month.
A decoction of the flowers verbena for the treatment of stomach ulcers.
It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of flowers in two cups of water boil for 15 minutes. After a thirty-minute infusion of this tool should be filtered. Drink decoction is recommended 3 times a day 15 min before meal for 100 grams.
Infusion of herbs for the treatment of bronchitis.
It should be 50 grams of grass verbena pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, 60 minutes after filtration drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day. You can infusion gargle for sore throat.
A decoction of the roots verbena tonic.
To prepare a decoction of the need to take three tablespoons of the roots, chop them carefully, pour two cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Insist means you need an hour, then filtered and squeeze to drink a decoction made five times a day for 100-150 grams.
Contraindications You can not use products based on verbena people with low acidity of the stomach, high blood pressure. Prohibited taking this drug for those who suffer rapid blood clotting. Verbena also contraindicated in expectant mothers.
Kombucha is a truly unique natural remedy that helps to strengthen the immune system and helps fight with a variety of diseases. But find it is almost impossible to sell. Of course, if you have friends who have been using mushrooms for health purposes, it is possible to borrow from them a part of the drug to eventually get out of it tasty and healthy drink. But if this is not possible, then do not despair: there are several ways that allow you to grow the Kombucha from scratch at home without any problems. However, it should immediately be noted that this process is quite long and painstaking. To get slimy mushroom mass, widely used in folk medicine have to wait at least 2-2.5 months. However, to spend time in order to get a reliable and proven over the years medicine still stands.

Recipe growing Kombucha
For a very simple recipe mushroom growing need about 1 tablespoon of black tea, 100 grams of sugar and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. What follows is enough to make a strong drink, bring the volume up to 1 liter welding, cool and add the sugar and vinegar. Then, the resulting mixture should be poured into a clean three-liter jar, followed by the neck to tie a piece of gauze. Capacity for growing tea fungus specially selected big and loose, so he felt comfortable and was able to develop freely in width and in height. In addition, the need for banks to find a warm place with a fairly constant temperature is maintained at + 22-25 degrees. It is important that ripening Kombucha is not in direct sunlight, which for him is very destructive. In addition, it should be remembered that the bank moved during maturation of the fungus in any case it is impossible, so the choice of the place must be taken with great care.
It remains only to wait until the surface of the thin film will tea, which is usually formed in 3-4 weeks. When it reaches a thickness of about 1-2 mm, have a drink in the bank to appear distinctive vinegary smell that suggests that kombucha is ripe. Now, the liquid can be carefully drained and replaced it with fresh sweet tea. However, it should be done very carefully and gently to avoid damaging the delicate surface of the fungus. Until then, he will get stronger, it will take several months.
As the surface of the tea fungus will appear various bubbles and bulges. Worry about it not worth it, because in this case there is a natural development of this unique organism. After about six months, you have at home is a full adult fungus, suitable for the daily preparation of a beverage. Outwardly, he should resemble jellyfish in a very smooth and soft top surface and pupyrchatoy "belly", which is responsible for the enrichment of tea useful substances. About once a month the fungus is necessary to extract from the jar and gently rinse with warm water. When the thickness thereof reaches a few centimeters, the fungus should be divided into two parts. The knife used for these purposes is not necessarily as an adult Kombucha is very easy to separate.
Grow Kombucha from scratch can be in many nutrient mixtures. Particularly gentle and helpful, he obtained when used for this purpose broth hips. To prepare it, you will need about 30-40 dry fruits to be thoroughly washed and pour 1 liter of boiling water, adding to the resulting mixture of 2 tablespoons sugar. Thereafter, the resulting beverage should be placed in the flask so as to cover between the liquid and remained relatively large airbag "plug". So it's best to take a thermos of 2-2.5 liters, which will Kombucha is good to grow and develop.
It remains only to tightly seal the flask and leave it for about 2 months. Ate you have enough endurance and patience, at the end of this period within the container, a sufficiently dense and thick, jelly-like substance. Use it for cooking healthful drink immediately fail, because Kombucha has yet to ripen, which may need at least a month. Therefore, the young should be carefully remove the fungus from a thermos, a good rinse with warm boiled water and put in a three-liter jar, which is about half filled with sweet strong tea. Every few days the tea need to be slightly updated, adding a new batch. At this time, the fungus continues to grow rapidly and increase in diameter. When he will completely cover the entire surface of the liquid, then drink to appear distinctive vinegary flavor. Since then, the Kombucha is ready to use for medicinal purposes.


One of the most loved summer treats is corn. Her and cook, and cook on the flame broil, and even a microwave. Like all tasty, it trusts it is not extremely valuable for wellbeing. Is it time to investigate that of maize is thought about the myths? Corn is utilized not just as a part of the sustenance business. Quite a while prior, the organization Samsung even attempted to make the telephone from her.
Myth One: Corn is unsafe to wellbeing
This is not genuine! Corn contains a great deal of supplements. The thought that corn destructive prone to show up in light of the fact that it contains a considerable measure of starch is a sugar. As per nutritionist, corn, alongside numerous dearest potatoes experienced mass uglevodofobii that has spread in the most recent couple of years.
Myth Two: The human body does not acclimatize corn
Yes, a considerable measure of corn inedible strands that basically go through the digestion systems. Be that as it may, this is not awful in light of the fact that toxic strands give a rearing ground to gainful microscopic organisms in the gut. That is, truth be told, these filaments are required. Not being a nourishment for people, they sustain the useful microbes.
Myth Three: Corn is not rich in supplements
Obviously, cabbage and spinach notoriety among authorities of sound lifestyle is much higher than that of corn. These items are the most supplement rich. Be that as it may, the corn contains a considerable measure of what is required for human living being. This vitamin B, and vitamin C, and also magnesium and potassium. Yellow corn is a decent wellspring of two cell reinforcements (cancer prevention agents), lutein and zeaxanthin, solid eyes.
Myth Four: Genetically Modified Corn
The greater part of the sweet corn is not adjusted. On the off chance that subjected to change is essentially not sweet corn, and that which is gathered and later handled to create oil. This does not imply that hereditarily altered sweet corn does not exist, but rather it is uncommon.
Myth Five: corn can not eat, on the grounds that it is excessively rich in sugar
To see how this myth is not genuine, you simply need to analyze corn ... with banana. Along these lines, a banana, which is viewed as extremely valuable and even eating routine. Few accepted the banana is excessively soaked with sugar. In the interim, one banana contains around 15 grams of sugar, while corn cob - just 6 to 8 grams.
Corn - just nourishment. Never utilize all the more, no extraordinary mischief
It is clear that even after these clarifications nutritionist, corn must be viewed as an item that ought not be devoured in extensive sums, particularly in the vicinity of affinity to overabundance weight. In any case, the primary inquiry elucidated - corn is not some especially destructive item that nobody can never have. Be that as it may, these days everything is thought to be destructive delectable. This is halfway genuine, however not generally the situation.
Truth be told, in the eating routine, as in everything, alluring feeling of extent. Great nourishment - a shifted eating routine which contains sustenances that contain the most useful for the assemblage of supplements.
On the off chance that you think it is conceivable to reason that the "terrible" corn got it "at one" with another famous item - potatoes. This rich starch root numerous hundreds of years was (and remains) the establishment of the eating regimen of different people groups.
Meat - with potatoes, fish - with potatoes, vegetables - with potatoes. Potatoes browned, bubbled, prepared and fries. What's more, obviously, chips, which are reliant on eating has turn out to be so far reaching marvel that intrigued researchers. To put it plainly, potatoes are dependably, all over and for each taste! There was this on the grounds that the potato is easy to develop and plan and sufficiently shoddy, while staying heavenly and nutritious. With every fundamental qualitie for mass notoriety, it has turn into the principle dish supper table. At that point it worked out that consistently ought not eat potatoes, how not to do something than to eat one time.
Accordingly, a few supporters of a solid way of life have chosen that the potato is better avoided from the eating routine. Furthermore, in the meantime corn! At that point, specialists started to figure out the amount of mass thoughts regarding these items compare to reality. Furthermore, it worked out that they have just a little portion of reality, nothing more. Corn - the standard item, which, similar to all other sustenance ought to be devoured with some restraint and rotating with other nourishment. What's more, from the eating routine totally decided only something that has direct therapeutic contraindications.
What our perusers think about corn? It ought not arrive by any stretch of the imagination, stand to treat just once in a while, or you can utilize it in sustenance, particularly in the season, without supposing what the myths have grown about it? Have you checked on your conclusion about any nourishment or strategy for its arrangement? What items do you consider the most hurtful, and what - the most valuable for a man?
At constant application willow-herb is used in general and prophylactic treatment of the following diseases:
Anemia (anemia);
Gastritis, ulcer formation in Lukavica stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis, colitis, biliary system disorders, pancreatitis;
Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system in men (prostate adenoma and prostatitis);
Infertility, regardless of gender;
Too high blood pressure of various origins;
Urolithiasis, including sites of inflammation in the bladder and kidney;
Changes in the respiratory system and ENT organs: tracheitis, farengity, bronchitis, sinusitis, pulmonary tuberculosis. Thus, the positive effects of the use of infusions and decoctions caused such qualities fireweed, as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, reduces fever;
The pathology of the spleen;
Exchange-inflammatory skin diseases.
The use of infusions and decoctions willow-herb is also recommended for:
decoction of willow-herb
Poisoning and intestinal dysfunction;
Disorders of the nervous system - neuroses, alcoholic psychosis, hysteria, depression;
General rehabilitation for alcoholism, for the relief of hangover;
Increased psycho-emotional pressure and chronic stress;
The effect of constant fatigue, overwork;
In dentistry - children at the time of the appearance of milk Zubikov, at an older age when looseness and inflammation of the gums;
Endocrine disorders in women of various origins (menstrual problems, existing uterine bleeding, menopause, premenstrual syndrome);
As an aid after manipulation to fight tumors and cancer (chemotherapy and radiation exposure) in the recovery period;
In the treatment of blood disorders (leukemia or limfogranulemotoz) as the adsorbent;
By reducing immunity (immunodeficiency);
If beriberi, especially vitamin C and Group B.
Ivan tea for men:
Of course, the healing properties of plants help everyone - men, women, children, but having the ability to cure prostatitis and BPH, rose-unconditional trust earned by men.
Ivan tea for women:
This is an unbeatable tool for the treatment of cystitis, thrush and other diseases of the genitourinary system in women.

Tea made from willow-herb
No matter how good willow-herb yet taste, smell and color of the drink is largely conditioned by the quality of the water. Those who drank tea at least once in the spring or melt water will never forget the taste. At night per person ideally should fall five grams of Ivan-tea (dried tea leaves). From it there are four - five cups of beverage concentrate. Tea leaves can be brewed several times, but note that the concentration of useful properties will be reduced, although the taste qualities are stored in small quantities.
Brewing willow-tea?
Proper brewing the leaves of willow-herb is one of two main components, which provide safety of all medicinal properties.
The first method is brewing willow-herb
2 teaspoons dry grass pour 600 ml boiling water (best to use natural or purified water). Container tightly closed and allowed to infuse for 10-15 minutes, then stirred infusion.
Infusion contains in its composition of essential oils, so the drink does not spoil in a few days, but it is best to use it freshly. The concentration depends on your taste preferences.
You can drink tea and chilled. If you want to warm up, in any case, do not let boil. Aura will disappear immediately. Drink sugar-free drink instead of raisins, dates, apricots, honey, halva.
The second method of brewing willow-herb
Fresh leaves of willow-herb placed in an enamel bowl layer of 3-5 cm, and then pour the purified water at room temperature (up to 10 cm), then the infusion is put on low heat and heat it. The next step is the composition of the resulting infusion over 10 minutes.
As the welding can also take a mixture of leaves with flowers: on half a liter of boiling water mixture of flowers and leaves of willow-herb 2: 2 (chayannyh spoons).

There are many drugs that can increase testosterone. But to do this, not necessarily seek the help of medicines, traditional medicines are also able to help in this matter.
Herbs that increase testosterone are widely used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. They are capable of a miracle! Since even a man of advanced age because herbs can be energetic and full of energy. These herbs have been tested for their effectiveness, as have been used for a long time.
These herbs include Tribulus terrestris (L.). As part of this plant is a substance that is able to synthesize testosterone and a positive effect on muscle growth. It was opened as a medicine specialists from India.
The extract, which is made from the sap of the plant helps the rights to male infertility, enhances sexual desire and potency.
Thanks to numerous studies revealed that yakorets has the following impact on the body of a man: increases sperm production and affect the birth of offspring. The experiments, which were performed on monkeys, a few days later showed an increase in testosterone levels in the blood of animals.
In turn, the South American shamans discovered plant called Muira Puama. It has a calming effect in the treatment of impotence. This plant has a positive effect on the nerve cells of the men responsible for libido. After investigations carried out by American scientists proved that Muira Puama actually increases the level of testosterone.
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Smilax from the flowers of forget-me-also applies to the amazing plants that increase testosterone. It is a shrub type plant, which grows in wooded areas of Japan, Thailand and India. It has a stimulating effect and is a well-known medicines in oriental medicine. In ancient times, this plant is considered magical gift from nature. But research scientists have shown that its effect is limited to the stimulation of cells that produce testosterone. Its useful properties increase the number and improve the quality of sperm.